Heath, The Ultimate Joker

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I need it 4 yesterday - delivery 80

#404- "Yeah, We don't like the orange color. Can't we just fade red into the yellow?"
(Client, giving direction to Designer)

#403- "We love it, but take out the bears (it was all bears) and it needs to be 80% white space and less busy, but we love it as is."
(Client to post production Art Director)

#402- "I see orange as between, like, yellow and red."
(Third-party Designer explaining his color choice for a logo)

#401- "Let's systematize this into a structure."
(Agency, Creative Director to Project Manager, just after coming up with brand new creative concept)

#400- "Summarising: you have to come up with three 30 sec. film scripts with all those benefits that I told you about. But before you do that, please send me few sentences of what you are going to come up with so I can send it to the Client as he has to get used to what you are going to come up with."
(Agency, Account Executive to Creative Director)

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